Big Brother invades our classrooms

Schools across the country are adopting frightening new methods to monitor their students in school and out

Aug 28, 2012
- 5 min - Uploaded by 829speedy

Children in nine Austin high schools are to be given GPS tracking ... tags: 2012 2013 kids children child ...

Sep 12, 2012 –
A Texas school district is defending its upcoming usage of technology that allows ... “It is like GPS in the school,” Gonzalez said. ... and Jones Middle School during the school day, we will always know where those kids are.” ...
6 days ago – Go to  USA News Texas schools punish students who refuse to be ... allowing police to track GPS signals without a warrant or probable cause. ... “I urge you to accept this solution so that your child's instructional ...
What's Next, microchips in our newborns?
Pearl Rains Hewett