An Act To establish the Olympic National Park, in the State of Washington, and for other purposes, approved June 29, 1938  (52 Stat. 1241)

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives
of the United States of America in Congress assembled,

 16. Olympic National Park Establishment of park Act of June 29, 1938
Establishment of park Act of June 29, 1938 Jurisdiction, State cession over area included in park on March 8, 1941
State Act of Mar. 8, 1941
Jurisdiction, State cession of 1941 accepted Act of Mar. 6, 1942
Acquisition of non-Federal land within park in exchange for national
forest land Act of Dec. 22, 1942
An Act To establish the Olympic National Park, in the State
of Washington, and for other purposes, approved June 29,
1938 (52 Stat. 1241)
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives
of the United States of America in Congress assembled,
That the Mount Olympus National Monument established
pursuant to proclamation of the President dated March 2,
1909, is hereby abolished,and 'the tracts of land in the State
of Washington particularly described as follows, to wit:

Township 25 north, range 4 west, sections 5 to 8, 17 to 20,
and 29 to 32, inclusive (unsurveyed); township 26 north,
range 4 west, sections 1 to 12, 17 to 20, and 29 to 32, inclusive
(unsurveyed); township 27 north, range 4 ,west,
sections 5 to 8, 17 to 20, and 29 to 36, inclusive (unsurveyed);
township 28 north, range 4 west, sections 17 to
22, and 27 to 34, inclusive (unsurveyed); townships 25,
26, and 27 north, range 5 west ( unsurveyed); towns hip
28 north, range 5 west, sections 7 to 36, inclusive (unsurveyed)
; township 24 north, range 6 west, sections 3 to 10,
15 to 22, and 27 to 34, inclusive (unsurveyed); townships
25, 26, and 27 north, range 6 west (unsurveyed); township
28 north, range 6 west, sections 7 to 36, inclusive (un- .
surveyed); townships 24, 25, 26, and 27 north, range 7
west (unsurveyed); township 28 north, range 7 west, sections
5 to 36 inclusive (unsurveyed); township 24 north,
range 8 west, sections 1 to 18, inclusive (partly surveyed) ;
townships 25, 26, 27, and 28 north, range 8 west (unsurveyed);
township 29 north, range 8 west, sections 6, 7,
18, 19.10 21, and 28 to 33, inclusive (unsurveyed); township
30 north, range 8 west, sections 18, 19, 30, and 31
(partly surveyed); township 24 north, range 9 west, sections
1, 2, 11, 12, 13, and 14 (partly surveyed) ; township
25 north, range 9 west (unsurveyed); township 26 north,
range 9 west, sections 1 to 18, inclusive (unsur~eyed),
each half of section 19 (unsurveyed), sections 20 to 29, and
32 to 36, inclusive (surveyed); townships 27 and 28 north,
range 9 west (unsurveyed); township 29 north, range 9
west (partly surveyed) ; township 30 north, range 9 west,
sections 13, 14, and 23 to 36, inclusive (partly surveyed) ;
township 26 north, range 10 west, sections 1, 12, and 13
(surveyed) ; township 27 north, range 10 west, sections 1
to 6, inclusive, 12, 13, 24, 25, and 36 (surveyed) ; township
28 north, range 10 west, south half section 7, south half 77

Olympic National Park.Wash..established. 1\found 0lympus National Monument
abolished. 3S Stat. 2247.
Lands transferred to park.
Page 77 79 79 82 78
Lands transferred to Olympic National Forest.
Mineral deposits..
Division of receipts for schools and roads.
16 V.S.C. sec. 500.
Administration, etc.
16 V.S.C.. ch. 1.
Existing claims. etc., not affected.
Additions to park.


section 8, south half section 9, south half section 10, south
half section 11, south half section 12, sections 13 to 36,
inclusive (unsurveyed) all west of the Willamette meridian,
in Washington, are hereby reserved and withdrawn
from settlement, occupancy, or disposal under the laws
of the United States and dedicated and set apart as a public
park for the benefit and enjoyment of the people and shall
be known as the Olympic National Park, and all lands formerly
included in the Mount Olympus National Monument
and not included in the above description are hereby transferred
to and made a part of the Olympic National Forest.
(16 U.S.c. sec. 251.)

SEC. 2. That in the areas of said park lying east of the
range line between ranges 9 and 10 and north of the seventh
standard parallel, and east of the range line between ranges
4 and 5 west, Willamette meridian, all mineral deposits of
the classes and kinds now subject to location, entry, and
patent under the mining laws of the United States shall be,
exclusive of the land containing them, subject to disposal
under such laws for a period of five years from the date
of approval of this Act, with rights of occupation and use
of so much of the surface of the land as may be required for
all purposes reasonably incident to the mining or removal of
the minerals and under such general regulations as may
be prescribed by the Secretary of the Interior. (16 U.S.c.
sec. 252.)

SEC. 3. The income of each county receiving moneys
from the Olympic National Forest, under the Act of May
23, 1908 (35 Stat. 260, ch. 192), as amended, shall be proportional
to the total area of each county in the Olympic National
Forest and the Olympic National Park combined.
(16 U.S.c. sec. 253.)

SEC. 4. The administration, protection, and development
of the Olympic National Park shall be exercised under
the direction of the Secretary of the Interior by the National
Park Service, subject to the provisions of the Act of August
25, 1916 (39 Stat. 535), entitled "An Act to establish a
National Park Service, and for other purposes", as amended.
(16 D.S.C. sec. 254.)
SEC. 5. Nothing herein contained shall affect any valid

existing claim, location, or entry made under the land laws
of the United States, whether for homestead, mineral, right~
of-way, or any other purpose whatsoever, or shall affect
the right of any such claimant, locator, or entryman to the
full use and enjoyment of his land, nor the rights reserved
by treaty to the Indians of any tribes. .
The President may after eight months from the approval
of this Act ,by proclamation add to the Olympic National
Park any lands within the boundaries of the OIympic National
Forest, and any lands which may be acquired by
the Government by gift or purchase, which he may deem
it advisable to add to such park; and any lands so added
to such park shall, upon their addition thereto, become


stubject to all laws and regulations applicable to other lands
within such park: Provided, That the total area of the
said park shall not exceed eight hundred and ninety-eight
thousand two hundred and ninety-two acres: Provided
further, That before issuing any such proclamation, the
President shall consult with the Governor of the State of
Washington, the Secretary of the Interior, and the Secretary
of Agriculture and advise them of the lands which he proposes
to add to such park, and shall afford them a reasonable
opportunity to consult with and communicate to him
their views and recommendations with respect to the addition
of such lands to such park.! (16 U.S.c. sec. 255.)

Excerpt from an Act of the Legislature of Washington, approved
March 8, 1941,
ceding to the United States exclusive

jurisdiction over the territory then included in the Olympic
National Park. (Chapter 51 of the Laws of 1941 of the
State of Washington)
Exclusive jurisdiction shall be, and the same is hereby
ceded to the United States over and within all the territory

that is now included in that tract of land in the State of
Washington, set aside for the purposes of a national park,
and known as the Olympic National Park; saving, however,
to the said state, the right to serve civil and criminal
process within the limits of the ~foresaid park, in suits or
prosecutions for or on account of rights acquired, obligations
incurred, or crimes committed in said state, but outside
of said park; and saving further to the said state
the right to tax persons and corporations, their franchises
and property on the lands included in said park: PROVIDED,
HOWEVER,This jurisdiction shall dot vest until the United
States through the proper officer, notifies the Governor of
this state that they assume police or military jurisdiction
over said park.
An Act To accept the cession by the State of Washington of
exclusive jurisdiction over the lands embraced within the
Olympic National Park, and for other purposes, approved
March 6, 1942 (56 Stat. 135)
Be it enac'ted by the Senate and H oftse of Representatives
of the United States of America in Congress assembled,
That the provisions of the act of the Legislature of the State
of Washington, approved March 8, 1941 (Chapter 51 of the
Laws of 1941 of the State of Washington), ceding to the
United States exclusive jurisdiction over and within all
the territory included on March 8, 1941, in the tract of
land in the State of Washington, set aside for the purposes
of a national park and known as the Olympic National
Park, are hereby accepted. Subject to the reservations
made I by the State in the act of cession, the United States
hereby assumes sole and exclusive jurisdiction over such
territory. (16 U.S.c. sec. 256.)
1 See proclamations No. 2380 of January 2. 1940 (3 CFR. CUM.SUPP..
140), and No. 2587 of May 29, 1943 (3 CFR. CUM.SUPP., 333), adding land
to the park.
Provisos. .
Consultation before issuance of proclamation.
Olympic National Park, Wash. Cession of jurisdiction to U. S.


Assignment to Washington western judicial district.

SEC. 2. The park shall constitute a part of the United
States judicial district for the western district of Washington,
and the district court of the United States in and for
said district shall have jurisdiction over all offenses committed
within the boundaries of the park. All fugitives
from justice taking refuge in the park shall be subject to
the same laws as refugees from justice found in the State
of Washington. (16 U.S.c. sec. 256a.)

SEC. 3. All hunting or the killing, wounding, or capturing
at any time of any wild 'bird or animal, except dangerous
animals when it is necessary to prevent them from destroying
human lives or inflicting personal injury, is prohibited
within the limits of the park, nor shall any fish be
taken out of any of the waters of the park, except at such
seasons and at such times apd in such manner as may be
directed by the Secretary of the Interior. The Secretary
of the Interior shall make and publish such general rules
and regulations as he may deem necessary and proper
for the management and care of the park and for the protection
of the property therein, especially for the preservation,
from injury or spoliation of all timber, mineral deposits,

natural curiosities, or wonderful objects within the
park, and for the protection of the animals and birds in the
park from capture or destruction, and to prevent their being
frightened or driven from the park; and he shall make
rules and regulations governing the taking of fish from the
waters in the park. Possession within the park of the dead
bodies or any part thereof of any wild bird or animal shall
be prima facie evidence that the person or persons having
the same are guilty of violating this Act. Any person or
persons, stage or express company, railway or other transportation
company, who knows or has reason to believe
that such wild birds, fish, or animals were taken or killed
contrary to the provisions of this Act or the rules and regulations
promulgated by the Secretary of the Interior, and
who receives for transportation the dead bodies or any
part thereof of the wild 'birds, fish, or animals so taken
or killed, or who shall violate any of the other provisions
of this Act, or the rules and regulations, with reference
to the management and care of the park, or for the protection
of the property therein, for the preservCltion from
injury or spoliation of timber, mineral deposits, natural
curiosities, or wonderful objects within ,the park, or for the
protection of the animals, birds, and fish in the park, or who
shall within the park commit any damage, injury, or
spoliation to or upon any building, fence, sign, hedge, gate,
guidepost, tree, wood, underwood, timber, garden, crops,
vegetables, plants, land, springs, mineral deposits, natural
curiosities, or other matter or thing growing or being thereon,
or situated therein, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor
and shall be subect to a fine of not more than
$500 or imprisonment not exceeding six months, or both,
and be adjudged to pay all the costs of the proceedings.
(16 U.S.c. sec. 256b.)

Hunting: Fishing, etc..
Rules and Regulations Penalties.


SEC. 4. All guns, traps, nets, seines, fishing tackle, teams,
horses, or means af transpartation of every nature or descriptian
used by any persan or persons within the limits
of the park when engaged in killing, trapping, ensnaring,
taking, or capturing such wild birds, fish, or animals cantrary
to the provisians of this Act or the rules and regulatians
promulgated by the Secretary af the Interior shall
be forfeited to the United States and may be seized by the
officers in the park and held pending prosecution af any
person ar persons arrested under the charge af violating
the provisians of this Act, and upon conviction under this
Act of such person ar persons using said guns, traps, nets,
seines, fishing tackle, teams, horses, or other means of
transportation, such forfeiture shall :be adjudicated as a
penalty in addition to the other punishment prescribed in
this Act. Such forfeited property shall be disposed of and
accounted for by and under the authority of the Secretary
af the Interior: Provided, That the forfeiture of teams,
horses, or other means of transportation shall be in the
discretion of the court. (16 U.S.c. sec. 256c.)

SEC. 5. Upon the recommendation and approval af the
Secretary of the Interior of a qualified candidate, the United
States District Court for the Western District of Washington
shall appoint a park commissioner, who shall have
jurisdiction to hear and act up an all complaints made of
any violations of law or of the rules and regulations made
by the Secretary of the Interior for the government of the
park and for the protection of the animals, birds, and fish,
and objects of interest therein, and for other purposes
authorized by this Act. Such commissioner shall have
power, upon sworn informatian, to issue process in the name
of the United' States for the arrest of any person charged
with a violation af the rules and regulations, or with a
violation of any of the provisions af this Act prescribed
for the government of the park and for the protection of
the animals, birds, and fish in the park, and to try the
person as charged, and, if found guilty, to impose punishment
and to adjudge the forfeiture prescribed. In all cases
of conviction an appeal shall lie from the judgment of the
commissioner to the United States District Court for the
Western District of Washingtan; and the district court shall
prescribe the rules of procedure and practice for the commissioner
in the trial of cases and for appeal to the dis1rict
court. (16 U.S.C. sec. 256d.)

SEC. 6. The park commissioner shall also have power to
issue process, as herein before provided, for the arrest of
any person charged with the commission within the park
of any criminal offense not covered by the provisions of
section 3 of this Act, t\:>hear the evidence introduced, and,
if he is of the opinion that probable cause is shown for
holding the person as charged, for trial, shall cause such
person to, be safely conveyed to a secure place af confinement
within the jurisdictian of the United States District

Forfeiture of property used for unlawful purposes.
commissioner, Appointment and jurisdiction.
Judicial powers.
Procedure in other cases.

Pay of commissioner, Fees, costs. and expenses.
Deposit of collections.
Notice of acceptance of jurisdiction.

Olympic National Park Wash.
Exchange of lands.

Court for the Western District of Washington, and certify
a transcript of the record of his proceedings and the testi-.
mony in such case to the said district court, which court
shall have jurisdiction of the case. The park commissioner
shall have authority to grant bail in all cases according to
the laws of the United States. (16 U.S.c. sec. 256e.)

SEC. 7. The park commissioner shall ;be paid an annual
salary as appropriated for by Congress. (16 U.S.c. sec.256£.)

SEC. 8. All fees, costs, and expenses arising in cases
under this Act and properly chargeable to the United States
shall be certified, approved, and paid as are like fees, costs,
and expenses in the courts of the United States. (16 U.S.c. sec. 256g.)

SEC. 9. All fees, fines, costs, and expenses imposed and
collected shall be deposited by the commissioner, or by the
marshal of the United States collecting the same, with the
clerk of the United States District Court for the Western
District of Washington. (16 U.S:c. sec. 256h.)

SEC. 10. The Secretary of the Interior shall notify in
writing the Governor of the State of Washington of the passage
and approval of this Act, and of the fact that the
United States assumes police jurisdiction over the park.
Upon the acceptance by the Secretary of the Interior of
further cessions of jurisdiction over lands now or hereafter
included in the Olympic National Park, the provisions of
sections 2 to 9, inclusive, shall apply to such lands. (16 U.S.c. sec. 256i.)
An Act To authorize the exchange of lands not in Federal ownership
within the Olympic National Park, Washington, for
national forest lands in the State of Washington, approved
December 22, 1942 (56 Stat. 10,70)
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives
of the United States of America in Congress assembled,
That title to State, county, and private lands situated north
of the line between townships 27 and 28 north, Willamette
base and meridian, Washington, and within the boundaries
of the Olympic National Park as now or' hereafter estab-
lished by proclamation of the President of the United States,
shall be subject to acceptance under the provisions of the
Act approved March 20, 1922 (42 Stat. 465; 16 U.S.C.485),
and such lands when vested in the ownership of. the

United States shall be a part of the Olympic National Park
subject to all laws and regulations applicable thereto. (16 U.S.C. sec. 251a.)