Well Stated Comment to the SMA/SMP Update Committee

Submitted by Karl Spees Pres. of CAPR 13

("I feel a bit sorry for the employees who are charged with implementing this extremely controversial SMA/SMP Update.

They are being paid to do something that is morally and ethically wrong".)

The SMA/SMP Update is not science and it is not duly crafted, vetted, voted, and ratified law but will be enforced as if it were such. The SMA/SMP Update is a perversion of governmental function being used to impose a partisan, Statist ideology (Unconstitutional) on the citizens and private property owners by an unelected surrogate (Dept. of Ecology, DoE) appointed by a controversial ‘elected’ governor (Christine Gregoire) . The SMA/SMP Updated is an unwanted, unnecessary, convoluted, impossible to understand, ‘blank check’ for more central government control of citizens and their private property. (There are some striking similarities to the very unpopular ’Obamacare’. “You have to pass it to find out what’s in it.”) It is a taking without compensation. The SMA/SMP Update has carefully avoided visiting the subject of economic impact of this monstrous policy overhaul. What it will accomplish is incrementally make the owning of private property more expensive, less valuable to keep and use, and more difficult to buy and sell. It moves us toward an unstated agenda/ideology of the DoE which is to eliminated private property ownership altogether (ref. UN Agenda 21 and the Wildlands Project). This is not Conspiracy theory. Sadly this is Conspiracy Fact. (History is full of examples of the ineptitude and tragic consequences of central government ownership and non-citizen control of the land.)

The SMA/SMP Update should move forward without amendment of the previous SMA/SMP Update. More regulations and artificial legal protections on our shorelines paralyze the real protection and stewardship of those shorelines. We do not need more regulations and redundant protections of our environment. If it is not currently broken, it surely will be when the SMA/SMP Update is heaped upon us. If the State and the DoE break it, they own it. If we break it, we own it. Please do not fall for this DoE ploy. They want you to do their dirty work so your finger prints are on it not theirs. Make the State/the DoE impose and own any changes in the 2012/2013 Clallam County SMA/SMP Update.

Karl Spees, MD (retired), Member of the SMA/SMP Update Committee, private concerned citizen, and Pres. CAPR 13.