Washington States Natural
crops not only produce a large portion of our states revenue but also
provide a gross number of national products.and wood by-products
we use in everyday life.
Wood derivatives provide many substances
needed to create thousands of other products on todays market.
For fun, here is a list that was put together showing what
some of these wood based products are.
While going over the tree list you will probably
think of many more not mentioned in the diagram. Along with these
products come jobs creating these mass by-products. Jobs that
produce a living not only for Washington State but for the
country as a whole. Wood and wood by-products are a global
demand. The Washington Olympic Peninsula grows trees like no
other climate in the world.
Working forests of the Olympic
Peninsula harvest, replant,
harvest replant etc. and have been successful in producing everlasting
sustainable wood resources to provide a wide range of global
necessities. Even "man made wood" contains wood by-products. If
working forest are allowed to keep rotating crops on these furtile
state lands, like they were intended for, they would produce generation
after generation. If tree huggers can't face the fact that Washington
grows trees, they shouldn't live here.
Old growth forest has
it's grandure but trees, as well as
anything else, do not live forever. Healthy forests need to be
maintained. Damage removed. Once labeled wilderness this is
not allowed to happen. Wilderness is left to live and die with the possibly of replanting
itself eventually, maybe.
When nature brings disasters caused by strong winds and heavy
rainfall, acres of dying forested lands can be uprooted and
destroyed. Landslides caused by acres of downed timber are a danger to
wildlfe and their habitat, blocking access of migrating trails,
breaking their legs etc.. Wilderness does NOT allow removal of
anything! In many lower wilderness areas adlers move in and replace the
conifers. Wilderness defeats the purpose of maintaining a healthy
forest and wildlife habitat. We have plenty of wilderness in
Olympic National Park. 95% not including the NEW wilderness
addition of 4100 acres recently added to the Lake Cresent area forcing
a new layer of regulations on the few land owners that haven't already
been forced out by the Olympic Park Agenda.
Nearly One-Third of Washington’s
Harvest Volume Came
From State Trust Lands in 2010
State trust forest lands helped keep timber contractors, saw mills and
related businesses working last year. Close to 30 percent of the total
timber harvest in Washington State in Fiscal Year 2010 came from state
trust lands managed by the Washington State Department of Natural
Resources (DNR) according to its 2010 Annual Report released today.
That compares to an average of 16 percent of the state’s annual
timber harvests between 2000 and 2007.
“DNR’s commitment to a
sustainable harvest produced $225 million in non-tax revenue in 2010
for public school construction and other public services while helping
the state’s timber economy through a tough year,” said
Commissioner of Public Lands Peter Goldmark.
The report lists financial results for
Fiscal Year 2010, which ended June 30, 2010. During that time, DNR
$50 million for public school
construction statewide;
$67.9 million for 19 western
Washington counties that receive revenue from DNR’s management of
forest lands; and
$19.5 million for construction funding
at the state’s universities, including University of Washington
and Washington State University.
In addition the report describes a
number of accomplishments in 2010, including how DNR:
Earned more than $1 million from wind
power leases;
Kept the number of acres burned by
wildfires below
the five-year wildfire average on the 13 million acres
of private and public lands DNR protects from wildfire;
Dedicated aquatic reserves for Cherry
Point, Smith and Minor Islands, and Protection Island; and
Utilized 96,500 hours of volunteer
labor, estimated to be worth $1.35 million dollars.
The 2010 DNR Annual Report can be
viewed online at: http://www.dnr.wa.gov/Publications/em_annualreport10.pdf
About Department of Natural Resources (DNR)
Managed State Trust Lands
DNR manages more than 5 million
acres of state-owned forest, aquatic, agricultural, and conservation
lands. State trust lands are managed to produce income for schools,
universities, prisons, state mental hospitals, community colleges,
local services in many counties, and the state’s General Fund.
State trust lands are also managed to provide fish and wildlife
habitat, and educational and recreational opportunities.
For this release and more, please
visit http://www.dnr.wa.gov
Click here for the Difference between US
forest Service and Park.
Many other issues relating to the Wild
Campaign Agenda have been taking place or setting ground work for
more federal ownership to acquire and control our states natural
resource lands and many more acrossed the country. The US
citizens here on the Olympic Peninsula are not the only ones under
attack. The Fedral Government has been conjuring some real "SWEET DEALS"