P.O. Box 536, Forks, WA 98331   
November 16, 2011

Washington Department of Wildlife Commission
ATTN: Wolf Management
600 Capitol Way N.
Olympia, WA 98501-1091

Dear Commissioners:
This letter respectfully requests that you seriously consider injurious effects of wolf depredation in other states and take action to postpone, for at least 10 years, introduction of “Canadian Grey” Wolves into any part of western Washington, until more experience and knowledge is gained.   
Canis lupus occidentalis is not the historic species of the Olympic Peninsula, along with other unidentified subspecies are regarded as invasive species.  The extirpated historic subspecies of the Olympic Peninsula and Cascade Range was Canis lupus fuscus a smaller, (to 49 kg.) animal.  
Recent articles regarding purported damage to vegetation by elk along river banks, especially the Hoh River, have not taken into account that seasonal high flows almost always inundate forested flood plains several times annually.  Precipitation and stream flow records show increasingly greater amounts of rainfall and runoff from glacier melt.  This factor is responsible for increased erosion of stream banks, floodplains and washing out of very large trees.  Elk threatened by a potential predator, including humans, will seek refuge in water and will disturb a bank to get there rapidly.  Maples and cottonwoods offer scant resistance to high water erosion forces.
The elk can be controlled by permits drawn for sex, areas and numbers of animals killed for human food.  Areas within National Parks have been “Usual and Accustomed” hunting grounds of Native Americans.  Ungulate and predator control could be accomplished by use of modern archery equipment, gaining support of non-tribal neighbors.  The human value of hunting serves to create a need to preserve resources of game for human consumption
A recent perspective of using wolves to deplete economic livelihood of large and small ranchers, thus forcing the creation of “willing sellers” is coming into focus.
Introduction of wolves into western Washington is regarded by experienced people as a serious failure to exercise judicious reality.  It would be financially disastrous to place them, then find there would be need to remove some or all of them in a certain area.  The density of brush understory and timber canopy would preclude seeing the wolves most all of the time, limiting ability to control, or enjoy recreationally.
Please do not “ring the bell of irreversibility,” and avoid introduction of this predator.
This letter is not a final response to this matter and I reserve the right to submit further comments.
John Richmond