The Finley Creek Disaster

  The crux of the matter reverts back to the Finley Creek Disaster wherein our investigation led by the late Keith Olson* uncovered the fact that they: the national park (ONP) had illegally (with improper and then later, with an expired permit) created and executed conditions that caused the mouth to relocate upstream approx. 1/2 mile. This was not just a simple mistake. As we learned with elementary hydraulics, this result was entirely predictable. This chain of events clearly indicates a CRIMINAL ACT (because of subsequent damage including the loss of the Daniels home.) surrounding this bridge grading had occurred regardless of intent. The new alluvial fan that was being created was evidence with rock deposited from the Finley.
  Back at the bridge where the change began: the permits did authorize rock removal and contouring to protect it. It did not permit changing the water course nor completely blocking off the old channel causing Tabor slough; another marvelous fish- bearing habitat/wetlands area to dry up. Local legend says it was done to protect a small park storage area with a small building of little value! More likely it was done to avoid installing a proper bridge. During this time (2001) a replacement bridge was installed. What also occurred was a change in designation of the park into wilderness (1988). The boundary runs right through the spot that must be altered to direct the flow properly through a proper bridge to restore Finley Creek, the western fan and Tabor Slough.
  We were told to get that permit requires a change in law and that was next to impossible. After all, it took 5 years to get the Col. Bob permit and we never did get to clean-up the blow down behind the fire station (our back yard). Yet now, to build a web of roads forever altering this valley from the way it  was found and preserved  by the settlers who we also are being told ruined it? They say it will be a piece of cake for them with the tribal connection and new fast track legislation! For the prospect of fish that may never return? The idea is preposterous. Fix what is broken. That is all (us taxpayers) can afford.
  The fish numbers tell the story. They dropped to almost nothing following the collapse of these wetlands. They have not recovered because they cannot.
  We want to see Finley Creek and Tabor Slough along with a properly restored western lower fan. We deserve a statement from the park about what occurred. We want the old channel on the Quinault reopened to mitigate the threat of flooding we still face. We dont want to see the water rammed unaturally down the eastern fan. We dont want to see park expansion at all. There are proposals to completely reshape the area and we are not being included in the planning.


Subsequent Damage On The South Side


The Lost Wetlands

From the ARCHIVES 
Finley Creek -Environmental Damage   ONP alters the natural watershed for their benefit on the north side of the Quinault River to the detriment of the south side.  Documents of proof of  illegal tampering that changed the course of the Quinault River.  Request for information concerning this 15 year excavation project. We have discovered they over extended their usage permit and that much of the work was also done on outdated permits. What happens if you do that?
  Lost habitat
  Our next story will be; no-one but the park puts a D9 Cat in the creek bed, and changes the river.
