June 2014 $4
MILLION? for the Dept of Ecology? EIGHTEEN GRANTS???? For Climate
does the EPA/DOE and Congress justify these funded
amounts of OUR money to be used on climate change testing? What are
they doing with our money?? Providing Urban "Green Party lobbyists
Jobs? With our money? To Test?
me but we are in an economic crisis here! 2014 is not business as
usual. These are not permanent resident jobs.
Parts of the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans are now filled with plastic trash and so are the fresh water Great Lakes. Researcher Marcus Ericksen described how bird carcasses are being found with plastic trash fragments inside them. A research team over the past couple of years has traveled the Great Lakes to collect data on the prevalence of plastics and found an average of 17,000 bits of tiny plastic beads per square kilometer in Lake Michigan. They are about the same size as eggs and to any organism that lives in the water, they are food, Prof. of Chemistry Sherri Mason explained. The plastic micro-beads are used to manufacture thousands of products such as toothpaste and facial scrubs. And those tiny plastic spheres are making their way into the food web as fish eat micro-beads that soak up toxins like a sponge and pass into humans and wildlife.
Environmental Fanatics chose plastic products instead of renewable organic wood products, that feed our environment and replenish the ground for future planting and maintaining. All Natural. No excessive emissions. Make sense?
Klamath-This is what’s really happening — call it rural cleansing — and it’s repeating itself in environmental battles across the country.
Indeed, the goal of many environmental groups — from the Sierra Club to the Oregon Natural Resources Council (ONRC)
The ONRC is no longer to protect nature. It’s to expunge humans from the countryside.
Federal authorities were forced to cut off water to 1,500 farms in Oregon’s and California’s Klamath Basin in April because of the “endangered” sucker fish. The environmental groups behind the cutoff continue to declare that they are simply concerned for the welfare of a bottom-feeder. But last month, those environmentalists revealed another motive when they submitted a polished proposal for the government to buy out the farmers and move them off their land.
3-25-2014 - More EPA land and Water Grabs
Bundy Ranch - Nevada - Federal Showdown with BLM Here
May 2014 - Shortly after the back down from the fed, Barrack Obama signs Executive order giving the BLM permission to GRAB LAND.Obama Grabs Land and signs Bill with-out Congress approval. That Declares 500,000
In New Mexico Off Limits to Human Traffic - Video
For those with a sense of humor